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Publisher: D.C. Thomson
Title: The Beano
Page Count: 20
Genre: Humor, Martial Arts, Sports
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 0.18 GBP; 0.26 GBP (Ireland)
Cover Date: July 1987
Country: United Kingdom
Minnie's attempts to sabotage a wedding go badly.; Everyone wonders what is under Wilfrid's jersey.; Roger dodges chores and homework using tomato sauce.; Ivy abuses her toys but gets a new elephant.; Billy's brother Alfie doesn't like when Billy tries to help him... most of the time.; Football game against animals.; Rasher ties his trough around his head so he can eat and walk at the same time.; James tries to sell a rare vase.; Sid battles a stuffed panda.; The little monkey boy ties on a tail but gets caught for stealing apples.; Number 13 plays football in his yard with monsters, but is afraid of the dog next door.; Gnipper hides from Gnasher in a gramophone.; Lord Snooty goes to the Junior House of Lords and argues against the price of sweets going up.; The pups hold a protest march to get more space.