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Publisher: Ace Magazines
Title: The Beyond
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1952
Country: United States
A murderous couple is haunted by their victim, which appears on their television screen. A broadcast from death in person announces their doom. The victim steps out of the TV and takes his revenge!; Two American engineers discover ancient Egyptian tombs and get in a fight with living mummies. Resurrected queen Neferti helps them escape, because she didn’t wish to be resurrected in the first place.; When a tomb in a Scottish castle is opened, ghostly clan wars flare up again. The army of ghosts can be repelled with fire.; On the English coast, a witch trapped in the body of a cat, can escape her confinement. She takes control of another woman’s body and starts her witching work again. She doesn’t rest until she has taken revenge on all of those who caused her predicament.; "In the annals of the supernatural, no case was more baffling than the one that occurred in the famous penal institution known as Devil's Island..." Two escaped convicts meet a third one in the jungle who wants to help them. When they stab the unwanted partner, he turns into a skeleton.; "In 1933, Richard Dore, a young American archeologist, was digging through some Aztec ruins in Central Mexico..." In an underground torture chamber Dore finds a fountain from which still spurts human blood.