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Publisher: Ace Magazines
Title: The Beyond
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy, Horror-suspense
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1953
Country: United States
In Paris, art painter Dulaq finds magical paints. Everything he paints becomes reality. So he disposes comfortably of his rival and his landlady. Too bad that the landlady was a witch who put a curse on him. He will be killed by a cat. One morning Dulaq awakens and sees with horror what he has painted in his sleep: he is torn to shreds by a tiger.; Henry Keefe considers suicide because he lost his right arm in an accident. He is approached by the legion of "the faceless ones", a dark cult. They restore his arm and want a book of magic in exchange. Keefe finds out that the faceless one are dead criminals who yearn to come back into life. Clasping the book, Keefe jumps to his death.; In occupied post-war Germany the American soldier Dave Curtis encounters a spider-monster who wishes to devour him. The "spider witch" poses as a beautiful woman who drags Curtis into her lair. With the help of the witch's deceased husband Curtis can overcome all evil.; Surgeon Grant Bascom is kidnapped by his evil uncle who revives killers in his basement to send them out into the world to do his bidding. Bascom can daze these monsters with chloroform. They turn against their creator.; "A strange tale of the supernatural and mystic occurred forty years ago in a small New England town..." A young couple encounters a pair of ghostly sisters in a haunted house.; "The legend told to this day in a small country of Europe, is based on a true incident dating back almost one hundred years..." Testing his racehorse, Baron Tistle tramples a peasant to death. In turn, the Baron is trampled to death at the races when the peasant's ghost frightens the Baron's horse.