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Publisher: Ace Magazines
Title: The Beyond
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1954
Country: United States
The gangster Reynolds is executed in the electric chair and buried in Potter's Field. In his mind he refuses to have died and battles his way out of a cemetery full of collegial skeletons. In the end Reynolds realizes the truth and crawls back into his grave.; Cosmos, "an ugly, twisted man", is a masterful sculptor, but unrecognized. He swears revenge, makes a deal with the devil and gets a rare gift: anything he touches turns to stone. Like a modern Midas, his gift becomes a curse when he loses his protective gloves.; Scientist Lucas, researching tropical venoms, is bitten by a deadly spider and injects himself with an untested anti-serum. He lives, but transforms temporarily into a grotesque half man-half spider. Developing were-spider tendencies, the police (and a giant female spider) hunt Lucas down.; Myrt and Pete Fabian are carnival performers who murder their colleagues to learn their secrets. One of their victims returns to them as "Dume", the talking skull. The dead arise and punish the Fabians.; "In 1927, while leading an expedition into the mysterious country of Tibet, a Frenchman, Jean André, discovered a hidden temple..." By striking the temple's gong, a stone dragon comes to life and kills the unlucky explorer.; "When Sir Paul Forbes, a wealthy nobleman, inherited an old ancestral castle in the Scottish highlands, he did not realize the terrible consequences..." Sir Paul shouldn't have burned a talking portrait of his great-great-grandfather, because the next morning he is found dead next to it.