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Publisher: DC
Title: The Brave and the Bold
Page Count: 36
Genre: Adventure, Historical, Non-fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1957
Country: United States
Squire Brian trains hard, but can't look too good or Lady Celia will suspect he's secretly the Silent Knight... At Camelot, the Knights of Round Table still argue who's the best knight. Merlin conceives a plot... Word comes to the Forest Perilous that the Round Table has fallen asleep and can't be woken! The Silent Knight arrives to blow the trumpet, but it was filled with sand while the knights feigned sleep. Caught, the SK challenges both Lancelot and Galahad to fight. Using the two opponents against each other, he dodges their blows and rides home - to Lady Celia.; Pirates seek a new stronghold to raid the coast - Jon's adopted village! His boat is rammed and sunk, but he climbs aboard and fights furiously. Then is tied to the prow as a figurehead! Brave Gunnda wades out and cuts him loose. Battling aboard, Gunnda steers the pirate ship onto the rocks. Jon and the pirate chief sink, and only Jon surfaces. "Praise Odin!"; Prince John's latest scheme: if Robin would make a better king, Robin is declared King of England for one day! But he must collect a tax for breathing English air - that the Merrie Men steal back. He must capture a friend, Sir Clarence - who has a dog with the same name. And he must capture the Merrie Men! Robin can't, but the Men surrender to save his life. When Picts invade from the north, Robin takes the "prisoners" to fight the invaders! Robin dumps a dam and logs on the Picts. Having "fulfilled his last duty as king", he returns to Sherwood Forest.; Odd fcats about arrows.; Odd facts about knights, including games they played and lucky charms they wore.

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