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Publisher: DC
Title: The Brave and the Bold
Page Count: 36
Genre: Adventure, Historical, Non-fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1958
Country: United States
Jon and the Mute Bard climb a mountain. The next Task of Thor is to retrieve a sea eagle's feather. But it's a flying horse that attacks! Jon jumps astride and is carried atop the clouds to "Valhalla, Home of the Women Warriors". The Mute Bard gave Jon his wooden staff, grown in Jon's homeland, and he parries the Queen's attack. But falls into a flying ship of Moon Vikings sailing to attack Valhalla. Jon is sealed in a giant drum, dropped on the Valkyries, but leaps astride the flying horse to pound the Moon Vikings and save the day - and retrieve a feather!; In the Forest Perilous, Sir Edwin's thugs battle the Silent Knight, and lose. At Camelot, a kitchen boy, Alvin, wishes he were a knight. Amused, King Arthur commands he capture the SK. Donning junk armor, the boy totters off. He finds the Silent Knight, who blunders into quicksand and must be rescued, then slips during a duel. The SK is captured and fetched to Camelot. King Arthur demands he unmask, but a dragon crashes into court and is dispatched by the SK. He's free to go, and the kitchen boy is dubbed Sir Alvin!; A summary of tournament rules followed by knights.