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Publisher: DC
Title: The Brave and the Bold
Page Count: 36
Genre: Adventure, Historical
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1958
Country: United States
Wandering, Jon and the Mute Bard enter a cave - and read the legend of Odin's Cup scratched on the walls. Jon must rescue the Maid and the Cup that grants power "to vanquish all enemies". Descending, they meet Wotan, Guardian of the Underworld. Jon battles Wotan, giant fish, a tidal wave, a living statue, and warriors, and frees the Maid and captures the cup. They return to the surface world, where he's rewarded with a kiss.; In the Forest Perilous, a dragon attacks a giant falcon. The Silent Knight slays the dragon and the giant hawk brushes his arm in thanks. People speak of a haunted castle atop a glass mountain that appears every 100 years - and Lady Celia's scarf flutters down. She's been captured!; Brian can't scale the glass mountain, and the circling giant hawk doesn't recognize him, so he dons the garb of the Silent Knight. The giant hawk lifts SK to the castle to battle Thando the sorcerer. Desperate, he hoists Thando in the air - and the magic fades as the magician loses touch with the ground. The castle crumbles, but the giant hawk saves the SK and Lady Celia. Still, she gushes about the SK, and ignores Squire Brian!

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