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Publisher: DC
Title: The Brave and the Bold
Page Count: 36
Genre: Adventure, Historical, Non-fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: June 1959
Country: United States
The Viking Prince and Princess Asa swim, but are attacked by a sea dragon. Jon drives it off, but acquires a dragon-scar. He's cursed to lose his strength during the three days of the Dragon Moon! Klagg the Red takes advantage and challenges him for leadership. Jon treks to drive off the curse, plunging his arm into boiling springs, icy pools, even grappling an electric eel. But the scar and curse remain. Klagg fights him and Jon is weak - until the Dragon Moon fades. He beats down Klagg, but the dragon's curse remains.; Attacked, swept into the sea, Jon fights off a giant squid and hitches a ride on a shark with Princess Asa to enter the pirate's secret lair in a cleft. Jon beats down guards and sees his father forced to walk a gantlet. Jon rams the pirate ship ashore and battles to free his father and shipmates. They float the pirate ship and escape home, safe.; King Rikk trains son Jon to be his successor, then goes sailing. But he his crew are captured by pirates. Viking Prince sets out to rescue him, and Princess Asa sneaks aboard his tiny ship! They venture between pillar rocks and fetch on a chain - as a pirate ship attacks!; How Viking children were trained to be warriors.