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Publisher: DC
Title: The Brave and the Bold
Page Count: 68
Genre: Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 1.50 USD; 2.00 CAD; 0.50 GBP
Cover Date: March 1983
Country: United States
The story explains how 2 different personas for Brimstone exist: Both aware somehow of each others' existences on a spiritual level. In 1955, on Earth-2, Brimstone's defeated by Batman and sent to prison, but later transfers his 'spiritual' essence to his doppelganger on Earth-1 in 1983 to restart his criminal empire. He learns of a Batman on this world, but is also defeated here by him. When his essence returns to its own body, it is a vegetable by this time, trapping him there for the rest of his natural life, while his 'good' Earth-1 counterpart is unaware of what happened.; An editiorial posed by Bat-Mite to the editors as to why he wasn't included in this issue, and that he should get his own series, before he's 'erased' off the page by an artist. Bat-Mite then comments that it wasn't funny as to his 'erasure'.