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Publisher: DC
Title: The Brave and the Bold
Page Count: 36
Genre: Adventure, Historical
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1956
Country: United States
Prince John mockingly proclaims a "Champion Day" for a tournament. Robin Hood and his Merrie Men arrive, immune from capture for the event. But John sics a cruel jester on RH. He's given a giant bow to shoot, but cannot. He must quarter-staff duel a dwarf-acrobat, and loses. Even a target is a cheat as a man inside moves it. Robin's challenged to fight a knight ahorse without quitting a handkerchief, and finally wins. But the jester drops the gate bar. Can Robin crack that? Yes, by mounting a horse and shooting the giant bow! Robin is Champion!; Wicked Sir Edwin gifts Squire Brian (SK's secret identity) a white stallion. Brian and the horse bond. Brian dons the SK's outfit and horse and rider rescue Lady Celia from brigands. Yet the SK is captured and brought before Sir Edwin. Uh, oh. The horse is led out, and if he goes to the SK his secret is spilled. Yet the horse cleaves to Lady Celia. The SK catapults over the wall to freedom. Why did the horse pick Celia? "Like any other male, Brian - he can't resist sugar!"; Baldur, a wandering "seer", beats the sacred drum and demands Jon be driven out else the village will be ruined. Jon moves up the fjord to a glacier full of frozen "glacier beasts" (mammoths). A volcano erupts and the heat frees the mammoths to stampede toward the village. Jon sails his ice boat before them, hacks the ice, and drops the beasts into the freezing water. The village is saved. And wicked Baldur fled for his life!