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Publisher: DC
Title: The Flash
Page Count: 100
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.60 USD
Cover Date: September 1974
Country: United States
Barry Allen travels to Earth-2 when Joan Garrick contacts him and tells him that Jay is acting strangely. The two Flashes stop The Thinker and Rag Doll who are on a crime spree.; Black Hand has created a device to store Green Lantern's ring energy and tries to use that energy to imprison Green Lantern in another dimension.; Flash takes Dale Thomas and Dr. Flura to the Amazon to help find Jim Ronson and uncovers a secret city.; Doralla Kon has travelled to Earth from the planet Alkomar. She has super-speed on Earth but she also emits a radiation that causes explosions.; Three handicapped boys accidentally discover that Wally West is Kid Flash.; Johnny Quick has to perform the jobs of 10 people at once to stop crooked Mayor Claney from giving the jobs to his lazy relatives.; Doctor Rocket's assistant sends his dirty laundry back to Earth.