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Publisher: Marvel
Title: The Incredible Hulk
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.00 USD
Cover Date: September 1989
Country: United States
The Hulk is trying to convince Mike not to fire him for, once again, trashing his casino when Glorian bursts in and causes even more damage. Glorian explains that he has accidentally made a deal with the devil and if the Hulk doesn't do something noble by midnight, Glorian's soul will be forfeit. Unfortunately for Glorian, Hulk doesn't really care. As Satannish prepares to claim Glorian as his own, however, Hulk steps in and throws dice to void the contract. Satannish cries foul as the Hulk cheats to win and prepares to take Glorian anyway, but the Shaper of Worlds arrives to rescue his pupil.