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Publisher: Fawcett
Title: The Marvel Family
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1953
Country: United States
Billy, Mary and Freddy are visiting Pa Potter and discover an old treasure map parchment, and decide to all go and look for the treasure. Suddenly, their helicopter is attacked and brought down by a giant scarlet flying skull inhabited by the Scarlet Skull and his men. When they eventually find the treasure and open it, the zombies all die.; Billy, Mary and Freddy are visiting some cliff dwelling ruins when they run into an Indian that is a petty thief. The thief bolts from them, trying to get away and somehow discovers a sealed cave in the ruins, and releases the Spirit of Chief Thundercloud, who grants Dull Tomahawk many wishes, including that of becoming a powerful Chief like his father.; To save Dull Tomahawk from the jail he has been put in, the spirit of Thundercloud attacks Gulchville with a terrific wind, but the Marvel Fam,ily saves it by erecting a tepee of logs around the town. Vengefully, the spirit decides to attack three villages at once with a lightning storn, poison rain and a choking mist, hoping to defeat each of the Marvels assigned to protect the towns. Chief Thundercloud is defeated by the Marvels and the trio change back to their civilian identities, which allows them to be captured and tied to the stake to be destroyed by Dull Tomahawk.; Dull Tomahawk decides to scalp Billy first, but the hatchet severs his gag, and Captain Marvel is on the job, only thwarted by Chief Thundercloud's heavy fog. Freed, the Marvels confront the Chief, who decides to use Thunderclaps of Death to destroy the villagers once and for all. However, the Marvels use a giant tuning fork to counter the thunderclaps, then feed the Chief dry ice to strink and freeze him, then they re-seal him back into the cliffdwellings with a warning to anyone not to open the seal.; Harry reports to his editor that he couldn't find a story, but he did find a grenade....and tosses it at his boss. Not amused at the rubber grenade, the editor sends Harry out on a story in regards to all the criminals that have moved into town, and Harry discovers yet another use for his grenade when two pickpockets give Harry the once-over.; Lee had the strangest dream: he dreamed he was awake when he was asleep, but when he tried to go back to sleep, he woke up.; Benny and his buddy try to mooch some money off a guy, but he says that he didn't have any cold cash on him. When questioned by his buddy why they call it cold cash, Benny has a ready answer: no one keeps it long enough to warm up!; When a customer complains that his butter is so strong that it could get up and walk over to a nearby table and say hello to a up of coffee, Wilbur says that the coffee is roo weak to answer back.; Rubbernose's friend shows him his new car that he had just bought used at a bargain price, but the car suddenly comes to a stop when they take a ride. Rubberbose remarks that it's hard to drive a bargain.