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Publisher: Marvel
Title: The Savage Sword of Conan
Page Count: 68
Genre: Sword And Sorcery
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.50 USD; 1.75 CAD; 0.75 GBP
Cover Date: November 1986
Country: United States
It is harvest time in inland Brythunia and Conan shows up at a witch trial serving as a proxy champion for Lady Vitellia. The lady stands accused of killing her own husband by her brothers-in-law, and they will stop at nothing to get their revenge. Blinded by the lady's charms, Conan protects her, but gradually realizes that all is not as it seems.; In the tenth year of Kull's reign over Valusia, the Commorians launch their most imposing attack ever. It has gone on so long that the mercenaries Kull hired want to quit.