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Publisher: Marvel
Title: X-Men
Page Count: 44
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD; 3.75 CAD
Cover Date: December 2007
UPC: 75960602461249111
Country: United States
Masque has captured Storm and her allies in the Morlock tunnels and is planning on blowing up a church full of humans to fulfill a prophecy he thinks he has found in a book written by a precog Morlock. Storm has other ideas, escapes and takes care of Masque and his plans. Xavier calls off his hunt for Magneto in the wake of these events. Val meets with Magneto and gives him Qwerty's book of mutant prophecy.; At the end of his scientific rope in trying to solve the mutant crisis brought about on M-Day, Beast is prompted by Spiral to seek a non-scientific answer. Beast tracks down Dr. Strange who, unfortunately, cannot help him with the mutant dilemma.