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Publisher: Marvel
Title: X-Men
Page Count: 52
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: March 2011
UPC: 75960602461253411
Country: United States
Cyclops breaks Utopia's self-imposed quarantine and leads other flu-stricken mutants to reinforce Angel's team in a battle against normal humans with X-Men powers. In addition to developing the addictive, power-granting drug, Lobe's Sublime Corporation is also responsible for the HX-N1 influenza that only strikes mutants. Elsewhere, Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw finally fight it out.; Normal Osborn tortured children to discover the extent of their new-found abilities. The Avengers bring together six of these kids to train, but the teachers have a secret that they must keep from their very powerful students.