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Publisher: EC
Title: Vault of Horror
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1953
Country: United States
Agnes and her boss's attorney decided to create a major hoax on her employer, Mr. Horton, as she implied to him that his wife was having an affair with his attorney. Distraut, Horton went to his attorney, had his will changed making Agnes the heir instead of his wife, and then committed suicide. As Agnes and Alex Fairfield celebrated the success of their hoax, the pair were suddenly interrupted by the corpse of Horton crashing in. The next morning, the dead bodies of Alex and Agnes were found on top of the Horton grave, and his tombstone carefully restored to what it had been!; Children in town had questioned people about various things regarding death and funerals, and were fascinated about a man dying in the electric chair. But they really wanted to know what the punishment for robbery and kidnapping would be, and a lawyer informed them it wouldn't be death. As the kids came down the street carrying a coffin, a mother came up screaming to townsfolk, telling them that her son was missing and that he had stolen another child's doll and had refused to give it back. Then they all looked in horror as they gazed over at the kids, who had just finished burying the coffin!; Tony once was a famed puppeteer, performing shows all over and becoming quite wealthy. Although he loved his puppets, he needed a human love interest and that was Nora, whom he married. Soon Tony was diagnosed with a bad heart condition, forcing him to retire. It was then that money troubles began and his wife finally told him that she married him for his money. He gave her once last kiss before he died, and the next day, they found their bodies, side-by-side.......but Nora's had been dismembered and re-connected by strings.....strings tied to the marionettes' hands!; Doc Swanson gazed up at the abandoned mansion on the hill and knew it was the answer to all of the killings, and told the Sheriff who he thought responsible for the crimes, but the Sheriff said the murders had to have been committed by something inhuman, and explained how each of the bodies were found, throats slashed, and door locked. Sam figured that a woman's deformed baby born in the mansion was the murderer. The Sheriff suddenly lunged at Doc, wanting to kill him, but the townsfolk entered and took care of the Sheriff, whose body was an artifical framework housing that deformed child!