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Publisher: Western
Title: Walter Lantz Woody Woodpecker
Page Count: 36
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Science Fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: December 1966
Country: United States
When Wally goes to barber college, Woody decides he can be a barber, too.; Woody and the kids stumble across the undersea headquarters of Dr. Azul, who is aerating ocean water in vast quantities in order to raise the levels of the world's oceans.; When Woody and Buzz are both candidates for a job as a messenger, Buzz tricks Woody into going out of town for a fake delivery.; Chilly is captured by a ship collecting creatures for a zoo.; Woody and the kids decide to become painters; Woody has to figure a way to deliver Buzz's newspaper despite his vicious dog running loose in the yard.; Woody sells Wally a parrot that only speaks in Morse Code.; Homer and Carrie try to have a picnic on a windswept beach.; Knothead and Splinter fake hand injuries so they won't have to practice their musical instruments.; Woody goes to the country to study stars, but sees a sheriff's star when he parks in a "no parking" zone.