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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Where Monsters Dwell
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense, Science Fiction
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.15 USD
Cover Date: January 1970
Country: United States
A young couple thaw out a cyclops in an iceberg, and must lure it into an icy pit to keep it from hurting anyone.; An explorer discovers Gorgolla in the Himalayan Mountains. Gorgolla awakes and captures him, then summons his Stonian brethren to begin their attack on Earth. The lesser gargoyles under his command however betray Gorgolla. He is seemingly killed by the Stonian army when they revive as they had learned the ways of peace by observing humanity for centuries and no longer wished to live as slave soldiers. After defeating Gorgolla, the Stonians pledge themselves towards protecting humanity.; A gaseous alien comes down to Earth and inhabits a dam of water to harass local villagers. The village loafer realizes that the alien is using the water in the dam to embody itself and steals dynamite in order blow up the pass before the alien can reach the sea. The loafer succeeds, but is imprisoned for stealing the dynamite.