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Publisher: Image
Title: Witchblade
Page Count: 32
Genre: Fantasy, Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD; 2.99 CAD
Cover Date: April 2009
UPC: 70985307109912611
Country: United States
When the Angelus shows up in Dani's apartment, she goes to the Curator for answers. He tells her the origin of the Angelus and also informs her that she has the light side of the Witchblade and Sara has the dark and it is Dani's task to take back the full power of the Witchblade. Patrick gets worried as Sara becomes more and more angry and abusive towards him. She disappears and meets with Tau'ma who tells her that she has the dark side of the Witchblade and Dani has the light and it is Sara's task to take back the full power of the Witchblade.