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Publisher: Image
Title: Witchblade
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.50 USD; 3.50 CAD
Cover Date: November 1995
Country: United States
Police officer Sara Pezzini and her partner Michael Yee uncover intel about something big going down at the Rialto. Businessman Kenneth Irons and his bodyguard Nottingham are offering paying attendees a chance to try on a mystic gauntlet--the Witchblade. Irons' men catch Michael lurking about outside and prepare to execute him. Sara leaps to the rescue but both she and Michael are shot. Wounded and reaching out for any weapon she can use, Sara comes into contact with the Witchblade which grafts onto her hand as she begins to blast the bad guys. Sara clears the room but Michael dies.