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Publisher: Image
Title: Witchblade
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.50 USD; 3.50 CAD
Cover Date: May 1997
Country: United States
While Jake and Joe try to keep Bruce from killing Lisa, Sara has a showdown with the real microwave killer, Dannette Boucher. Sara learns that Dannette has absorbed some of the power of the Witchblade as Irons tried to make her its wielder in the past and the power has ruined her life. Dannette has been killing her models to pacify the Witchblade and does not resist as Sara bows to her wishes and strips her of her power. This kills Dannette but, before she dies, she tells Sara that she is not the one who killed her father. Bruce mourns the loss of his mother.