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Publisher: Image
Title: Witchblade
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.50 USD; 3.55 CAD
Cover Date: March 1996
Country: United States
Sara has used the power of the Witchblade to return her fallen partner, Michael Yee, to life but he comes back as a cold corpse begging for her to kill him again. Disgusted by its power, Sara throws the Witchblade into the crematory and heads home. Sara is later abducted by Mr. Wright who takes her on his boat, tosses her the Witchblade and tells her to put it on. When she refuses, he shoots her multiple times. As Sara lies dying once again, the Witchblade grafts onto her arm and she is able to leap into the ocean and escape to nearby Liberty Island. Ian arrives, ready for battle.