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Publisher: Image
Title: Witchblade
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.50 USD; 4.00 CAD
Cover Date: August 1999
UPC: 70985307201003311
Country: United States
Sara visits Lisa to make sure she is safe but has to ward off Gallo who is hunting her. Jake arrests Gavin at an S&M club and the former head of the Church of Prosperity is publicly humiliated. Sara meets with Irons and Ian to ask about her father's death but becomes flustered and learns nothing. She also meets with new age writer Anya Bronte to get more info and hears the name Level 42 for the first time. After the meet, Anya runs into Level 42 member, Shine, and is killed. The Witchblade wigs out and Sara tries to get it under control as it threatens her partner, Eric.