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Publisher: Image
Title: Witchblade
Page Count: 48
Genre: Fantasy
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.99 USD; 5.87 CAD
Cover Date: December 2005
UPC: 70985307109909211
Country: United States
Sara demands that the Curator reveal to her the origins of the Witchblade so he shows her brief flashes of the weapon's previous bearers all the way back to the first wielder who obtained it when the Angelus and the Darkness fell to earth and split. Sara has a surreal encounter with the "mother" of the Witchblade, Dawn (yes, the "Cry For Dawn" Dawn), who explains things as Sara experiences a rebirth courtesy of her weapon. Sara finds herself back in the Curator's curio shop buck naked (aside for the Witchblade) but very much enlightened by her history lesson.