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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Wolverine
Page Count: 16
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 0.00 Free
Cover Date: June 1996
Country: United States
Wolverine begins training with Elektra to regain some of his lost humanity. He is confronted by the X-Men who claim to be there to help him, but are really Spiral and a pack of Warwolves. He is transported to Mojoworld. Mojo II starts a new show starring Wolverine and he has Warwolves dress as friends and foes for our hero. Longshot is alerted as he rules Mojoworld and has declared it an entertainment free zone. Longshot encourages his subjects to simply turn off the show. The X-Babies arrive to lend a hand, Wolverine's show is cancelled and he is returned home to be reunited with Elektra.; Li'l Wolvie tries on a bunch of different costumes for Cyclops.