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Publisher: DC
Title: Wonder Woman
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 0.75 USD; 1.00 CAD; 0.40 GBP
Cover Date: October 1986
Country: United States
The Olympian goddesses create the Amazons to teach humanity the ways of Gaea. After the Amazons forget their purpose, and fall prey to the machinations of Ares, a group of Amazons led by Hippolyte rededicate themselves to their task. Time passes, and when Hippolyte yearns for the child she never had, the goddesses tell her to create a child from clay, which they animate, and whom the queen names Diana. After Diana has grown, the goddesses ask the Amazons to choose a champion to confront a new scheme of Ares'. Diana wins the competition to be champion and heads out into Patriarch's World.