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Publisher: Archie
Title: World of Archie Double Digest
Page Count: 164
Genre: Horror-suspense, Humor, Science Fiction, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: February 2013
UPC: 76281646850302611
Country: United States
The parents of Archie, Betty and Veronica decide to go out to dinner together, making their kids very anxious.; Archie and the gang try to undermine a new student who is constantly mean to everyone.; When the student body learns that Miss Grundy is writing a novel based on her life, they try to be more interesting in the hopes of being included.; The group is introduced to the queen of Venus, a sexy human woman that also happens to be looking for a king.; The queen chooses Cosmo to be king, who tries to escape but is caught. Meanwhile, the rest head back to the rocket to formulate a plan.; Professor Thimk and Orbi detonate a stardust bomb and rescue Cosmo in the confusion. They rush back to the rocket and leave in a hurry, which causes the steering mechanism to jam and puts them on a course to Saturn.; Miss Grundy teaches Betty a few feminine tricks.; Archie gets a mynah bird with the hopes that it will impress Veronica.; When Veronica breaks her date with Archie, Fred tries to cheer his son up.; The coach of the Riverdale boys hockey team asks Betty to play goalie for them, which doesn't set well with some of the other members of the team.; The gang gives a presentation on pirates.; Mr. Weatherbee tries to spend his mid-semester vacation at home to avoid Archie, but soon goes crazy with boredom.; The staff and students of Riverdale High don't know what to think when Mr. Weatherbee begins to jot down notes on a note pad.; Betty tells her mother that she will go to the market, but continuously puts off the task.; The group formulates a plan and begin to put it into action.; Archie wants to watch TV, but he can't find the remote.; Mr. Weatherbee decides that he is going to remain cool and collected for a day, but it doesn't last long.; Archie is forced to make a presentation in front of the male members of the school.; Mr. and Mrs. Andrews sign a phony record contract for Archie.; Veronica forms a crush on Dilton due to his stunning eyes.; Since Archie is afraid to ask Veronica out when he's strapped for cash, Veronica decides to figure out a way for Archie to make some money.; The story of Count Congo, an ape who took up "all of Rhode Island and part of Connecticut" and was almost deported to Africa.; The story of Ann Gora, a girl with cat like tendencies.; Tired of being seen with Archie in his sloppy skater threads, Veronica refuses to go out with him unless he upgrades to a snazzier set of clothes.; It's hard for Jake to remain a bachelor with those love-crazy black widows around.; Mr. Weatherbee finds Archie meditating.

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