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Publisher: Archie
Title: World of Archie Double Digest
Page Count: 164
Genre: Fantasy, Humor, Science Fiction, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: March 2013
UPC: 76281646850302711
Country: United States
Mr. Weatherbee tells his niece Wendy the story behind the split with his brother Tony.; Archie wins a date with music star Ashlee Simpleton.; When Archie wears the school mascot costume to school, he gets into some trouble with the police.; Miss Beazly refuses to let the gang hang motivational posters in the cafeteria, but is caught after school doing a good deed.; The rocket crew lands on Saturn.; Cosmo and his friends meet the Saturnians, a group of people that look like vegetables. Meanwhile, Orbi wanders off to look for food and eats gumdrops that cause him to shrink.; A pesky fly gets Archie in trouble in Miss Grundy's class, but then gets him out of trouble with Mr. Weatherbee.; Chuck decides to break into the market of video games and asks Nancy for ideas for a girl-oriented game.; A joke circulates around the school while Superintendent Hassle comes around for a check-up.; Archie and Jughead wreak havoc on Mr. Weatherbee, who is having tests done in the local hospital.; Mr. Weatherbee is eager to get his hands on Professor Flutesnoot's new hair-growth chemical, despite the fact that a few kinks still need to be worked out.; After Archie tells Betty that she's his best friend, Veronica convinces her that he's just figuratively called her a dog.; Veronica drags Archie to a sale at the Bon-Ton Dress Shop.; Orbi tries a red gumdrop which causes him to grow, and Cosmo decides to use the rocket to save him.; The Saturnians give Orbi a size-reducing pill that returns him to normal size. Then, since the rocket has been wrecked, the Saturnians lend the crew some flying saucers and join them in their return to Mars.; Veronica decides to start a new chapter in her relationship with Betty, but it turns out to be a trick.; The gang plans a roller skating surprise birthday party for Betty.; When Archie becomes the top player in his class in a fantasy stock game, Mr. Lodge decides to have him pick his stocks.; Professor Flutesnoot tries to find someone to help him carry a sarcophagus upstairs, but no one wants to in fear of being cursed.; Archie, Betty, and Jughead take over the Chock'lit Shop while Pop takes a vacation.; Veronica has a craving for junk food, but doesn't want to go off of her healthy diet.; Julius the Robot tries to live an interesting life after being replaced by another machine at his job.; We take a look at Dr. Bloodshot's assistant, Heinrich.; A humorous newsletter with fictional headlines involving horror elements.; Orbi is rescued by hitching a ride on the rocket-literally.; Mr. Weatherbee has his computer fixed.; Squarehead goes to a fun house and discovers he's a sphere in the funny mirrors.; Archie gets his head stuck in a locker.; Jughead wins a crazy hat contest.; A man and his chimp audition for a theatrical agency.; Mr. Weatherbee eats a casserole.; Mr. Weatherbee gets a machine that helps him run the school.; Mr. Lodge isn't happy to find Archie and Jughead still hanging around after Veronica's party is over.; Veronica asks for something that looks good in a plain brown jacket.; Archie and Jughead are distracted in class.

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