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Publisher: Archie
Title: World of Archie Double Digest
Page Count: 164
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: October 2013
UPC: 76281646850303311
Country: United States
Veronica talks her father into buying a new sports car to relieve stress. But Mr. Lodge makes the mistake of asking Archie for advice on the car.; Archie is pet-sitting the neighbor's pot-bellied pig.; Archie and Betty window shop at a toy store but Veronica is not interested.; Alex has gotten hold of a notebook with all the reports from the girls' sorority meetings, and the girls split up and try to get it back before he reads it. Josie and Pepper's attempts just make things worse, but Melody's unsubtle approach works like a charm.; Veronica bakes cookies that are so horrible that it makes the person that eats one change colors.; When Archie has to miss playing for the football team for a few weeks with an injured shoulder, Mr. Weatherbee suggests that he should sell hot dogs during the games.; A record producer spots Betty on the street and asks her to dance in the new video for the rock band "Pearl Jelly".; Archie has a new job at a movie multi-plex, and he has to juggle working, seeing a movie with Veronica in one theater and seeing a different movie with Betty in another theater.; Archie brings a bucket of moldy fried chicken into the school, leading Mr. Weatherbee to complain to the founder of Colonel Sturdley's Southern Fried Chicken.; Archie tries to grow a mustache.; When Archie and Betty argue about his annoying little cousin, Veronica thinks she sees a way to keep them apart.; Reggie asks Archie to go on a double date with Gloria and Claudia.; A chain of people show how stressful their lives are and wish they were someone else.; After Josie tells him that Melody isn't impressed by his wealth, Alex goes all-out to become the poor but honest type.; When Alex raves about Melody's terrible painting, Pepper and Albert try to humiliate them both by getting Melody's painting entered in an art show.; Josie tries to get Alex by helping him with his homework, but as soon as Melody comes along, Alex not only forgets about Josie, but gives Melody all the answers Josie gave him.; Mr. Weatherbee has had Archie polishing door knobs as part of his detention punishment.; Fred finds his old saxophone and sets in with the Archies for a school dance.; Miss Beazly accidentally loses her ring in a chicken pot pie, which leads to a food fight in the cafeteria.; Betty drags Archie to an experimental dance recital.; While babysitting Denny, Jughead tells him a story of a movie-star car that falls in love with a stunt-car.; Archie installs a car alarm on his car.; Mr. Weatheerbee needs to raise reading scores and promises to do a clown routine if each student will read an extra book each month.; Archie can't decide if it is going to rain or not.; Mr. Weatherbee thinks Archie doesn't understand how much Archie frustrates him.; The "Alice In Wonderland" story is redone in a Riverdale setting.; A story where readers get a look at what sponsored comics would be like.; Antoine De La Jughead gives us some beauty tips.; Examples of genre-specific toy dolls.; Svenson fixes Mr. Weatherbee's Electronic Language Translator.; Archie faints when praised by Mr. Weatherbee.; Reggie is the lunch monitor.; A fake advertisement for monogrammed hockey pucks.

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