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Publisher: Archie
Title: World of Archie Double Digest
Page Count: 196
Genre: Humor, Science Fiction, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.99 USD
Cover Date: March 2014
UPC: 76281646850303811
Country: United States
Alex and Alexandra start giving guided tours of their house, and two men take advantage of the opportunity to steal all of Mr. Cabot's priceless statues. The kids follow the thieves in Alex's car, and come up with a plan to get the statues back by convincing the bad guys that they're cursed.; Archie goes to the history prom as a knight. He falls asleep and dreams of having to rescue Lady Veronica from the Mad Monk (Mr. Weatherbee). Archie awakes but thinks he is still dreaming and holds Mr. Weatherbee at swordpoint.; Albert has come into a small amount of money and wants to throw a party. Alex winds up throwing the party instead, but every time Alex tries to dance with Josie, a mysterious person grabs him and throws him into the fountain.; While at an assembly to nominate a class president, Betty yells at Archie and Archie is accepted as a nominee. Archie tells everyone not to vote for him, but Archie's psychology teacher tells him that this will only make more people vote for him. Archie has candy in his mouth during his speech, making him sound like Mr. Weatherbee. Because of this, Archie wins the election.; Archie and Veronica borrow Dilton's latest invention, a device that keeps them dry in the rain without an umbrella.; Betty explains the "secret language" of boys to Veronica.; After Mr. Cabot insults him, Albert expresses his hurt feelings by writing and playing the most depressing ballad of all time.; Archie and the gang take a class trip over spring break to Florida.; Archie gets nothing but trouble from his garage sale.; Betty's little cousin Aliza thinks she's a warrior princess.; Mr. Weatherbee is on a diet and Archie takes him jogging.; The kids get Mr. Weatherbee a Captain Airwave Space Helmet like the one he had as a kid.; Mr. Lodge hires a bodyguard to watch over Veronica while Veronica and Betty are out shopping.; The Archies try to re-make their image but the club owner doesn't like their new costumes.; Mr. Lodge had created a set of dolls based on Archie and the gang and wonders what accessory to package with which doll.; Betty comes up with an idea to merge Pop's Pizza with a jet skateboard company to get faster delivery service but Veronica steals her idea.; Archie sets up an escort agency to raise money and ends up dating his teacher, Miss Grundy.; Veronica takes Archie to the airport to meet her father, and through a series of mixups Archie winds up representing his state on a congressional committee.; Fran wants to join the Mad House Glads.; Archie's class schedule has him running from one end of the school to the other.; Jughead stalls while meeting with concert promoters waiting for the rest of the Archies to join him.; In the far future, humanity is forced to live under the oceans due to catastrophic pollution. For the class history lesson, Mr. Weatherbee's descendant teaches his class about the impact Archie and his friends had on current human civilization.; Archie and Reggie both try to impress the new substitute teacher.; Fred is not happy with humans being replaced with automated systems.; The students hold a protest against surprise test by not saying a word in school; the quiet drives Mr. Weatherbee crazy.; While Archie and the gang are off at Funland, the teachers get caught up in spring break.; Fran demands that someone defend her honor after a man spills a drink on her.; When he learns that his car hasn't been repaired yet, Fred finds an alternate way to get to work.; Jughead tells Archie that he can't wait to start shaving.; Mr. Weatherbee decides that every male student should show up for school in a suit. Archie turns up in a zoot suit.; Both Reggie and Archie try to fool each other about where they are going.; Mr. Weatherbee asks for volunteers to help Miss Beazly peel potatoes.; Archie's father appears ill around April 15th.; Mr. Weatherbee reads Archie's suggestion from the suggestion box.; Archie and Jughead trick Moose into buying them an ice cream cone.; Archie tries to scare Miss Grundy with a rubber monster mask.

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