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Publisher: Archie
Title: World of Archie Double Digest
Page Count: 164
Genre: Adventure, Humor, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.99 USD
Cover Date: May 2014
UPC: 76281646850304011
Country: United States
The gang crashes their mobile camper near a secret government test site that uses robotic monsters to simulate the potential hazards of space travel. The kids try to destroy the monsters while the U.S. army tries to prevent them from finding out about the government program.; Betty invites Veronica to accompany her family on a cross-country trip to see Polly in San Francisco.; When Jughead decides he wants to go to prom the girls hold a contest to see who will be his date.; Josie has been chosen junior class queen, but she's distracted from her duties by Albert, whose constant rhyming is causing Josie herself to talk in rhyme all the time. Pepper tries to separate Albert from Josie in time for her coronation at the school gym.; Mr. Weatherbee goes to the beach.; Archie breaks a date with Veronica when he has to tidy up the garden. So Veronica goes searching for Reggie. Betty then comes over to help Archie with the garden.; Unhappy with the photo on her drivers license, Veronica brings her own photographer to the DMV.; Archie tells Betty that roller coasters and scary rides are for guys but he ends up being more scared than Betty is when they are finished.; The Archies are stopped by a crooked sheriff and his speed trap.; When all the kids start going to the new fast food burger place, Jughead shows Pop Tate how to get them back in the Chocklit Shoppe.; After a long day of playing Dragons & Dungeons, Archie dreams he is on a quest.; Mr. Weatherbee, in a gorilla costume, is mistaken for a gorilla that escaped from the zoo.; James Bland, Agent Double O Zero, battles the Skull and Iron Arm and their plot to sabotage skateboards.; The Madhouse Glads are on a local TV show.; Mr. Weatherbee names Archie as Dilton's stand-in for the school quiz show if something happens to Dilton.; Betty and Veronica criticize Reggie for his archaic views toward women.; Miss Grundy teaches the class a lesson about the importance of homework.; His doctor orders Mr. Weatherbee to lower the amount of stress in his life.; Word gets around that Archie has a pool so everyone goes there, leaving Veronica's pool uncrowded.; A collection of photos from the Riverdale yearbook.; Miss Grundy doesn't like the the kids wearing T-shirts with sayings on them.; Archie's parents can't get Archie out of bed.; Moose has lousy handwriting.; Svenson erases a blackboard, causing Flutesnoot to lose his work.; Someone posted a note about Mr. Weatherbee on the camp's bulletin board.; Clyde gives Bippy a message for Rod.; Older folks tell it like it was.; The Madhouse Glads get a box of homemade cookies in the mail.; Ron the Mod is always stealing Dan Didit's girl.; Rod the Mod goes to the dentist.; Reggie admits he is wrong about the baseball team's strategy.; Reggie answers an ad for a person that knows horses.

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