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Publisher: Archie
Title: World of Archie Double Digest
Page Count: 164
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Humor, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.99 USD
Cover Date: November 2014
UPC: 76281646850304511
Country: United States
When Miss Grundy's apartment building catches fire she stays at Betty's house while her apartment is cleaned and repainted.; Dilton creates Archie and app for his phone to assist him in buying Veronica's Christmas present.; Mr. Lodge hurts his back so is laying on the floor when Archie arrives with a puppy for Veronica's Christmas present.; While babysitting Jeffrey and Joline, Betty is asked questions about Santa Claus.; Suzie needs a new hat.; Suzie wants Ferdie and Gregory to learn how to get along with each other so the three of them pull taffy togehter.; Ferdie and Gregory fight over who will take Suzie to the dance.; Betty becomes a bit Hollywood star but Archie's overeating costs him his job with the studio.; When Betty and Veronica insist on joining the Riverdale High football team, Coach Kleats keeps trying to come up with impossible physical tests for them, but they pass them all.; The school has an air band concert which is won by the faculty.; While at the library the gang remembers events that happened to them as children in the library.; Professor Flutesnoot keeps telling Archie he doesn't know what's what.; Betty reads Mr. Weatherbee's horoscope and Mr. Weatherbee begins to believe it is authentic.; Mr. Weatherbee catches Archie sleeping in study hall.; Super Duck is a contestant on a radio quiz show.; Reggie, as one of Santa's elves, tries to steal Christmas.; Angela finds uses for an umbrella in the winter time.; Archie and Fred are on their own when Mary is out of town for a convention.; With the Superintendent visiting, Mr. Weatherbee orders Archie and Jughead to remove all the smiling face stickers they pasted around the school.; A reporter interviews Pop Tate about the upcoming 70th anniversary of the Chok'lit Shoppe.; The teachers go bowling in an attempt to help Mr. Weatherbee lose a few pounds.; Super Duck helps Uwanna's nephew with his school project.; Mr. Weatherbee has Archie and Reggie use Christmas lights to spell out a message on a hillside.; Humorous Christmas photos.; Jughead tries to score extra free burgers.; Miss Grundy gives the definition of the word "eschew" and comes up with an pun to help remember it.; Jughead is dating a girl that works at the movie theater.; Reggie joins a video dating service.; Archie dresses up as Santa Claus, so Betty dresses up as a chimney.; Archie is late picking up Veronica for the Christmas dance.; Fred is dismayed over the cost of the Christmas list.; Archie's new sweater shrank.; Archie's world has fallen apart.; Archie wonders why Jughead tried out for the bowling team.; Jughead's mom wants him to straighten his room.

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