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Publisher: Archie
Title: World of Archie Double Digest
Page Count: 164
Genre: Adventure, Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Humor, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.99 USD
Cover Date: April 2015
UPC: 76281646850304911
Country: United States
To show how easy it is to write an Archie story, Victor tells Jerry he wants a five page story where Betty and Veronica squabble over flowers that Archie has purchased. Try as he might, Jerry's story continues to expand as the characters demand more and more twists.; A mixup at the radio station causes Katy to think that wrestler, The Great Carootzo, is an amazing singer.; Dilton makes the wrestling team by using his knowledge of math.; Archie puts a bird bath in the yard but the noise of the birds keeps him awake.; Katy reads her horoscope and it says "today will be your lucky day." But on her way to accept a movie role she gets arrested. Arriving late she looses the part and on her way off the lot she hits her face on the studio gate and gets a black eye. When she gets home she relizes she was reading yesterdays newspaper.; Archie takes Mr. Lodge's very important package to the bank.; Archie wants to finally decide between Betty and Veronica so Jughead flips a coin, but before they can get the answer Archie falls for Lisa.; Archie is more interested in his online racing video game than spending time with Betty.; Archie's aunt sends him a shirt but he is not happy with the style until he sees a rock star wearing the same shirt.; When the girls both get sports jerseys with Archie's name and number on them, he has to think fast to return the favor without showing favoritism.; Archie offers to deliver an abstract painting for Mr Lodge for Mrs. Lodge's birthday.; Mr. Weatherbee wants the coach to give Archie a chance on the baseball team, but Archie just isn't very good.; Carrie DeCoffin wants to take Super Duck to the college dance.; Archie and Betty enter a contest in the local paper for the cheapest date.; After refusing three rides, on a hike alone Katy gets treed by a bull.; Archie writes Coach Kleats a letter after he doesn't make the baseball team.; Mr. Lodge invests in a special antennae to improve reception in the mansion. But he neglected to Archie-proof it.; Archie meets a new girl at a flea market who is into antiques.; Archie takes out a very obscure book, "The History of Shoelaces." It turns out a spy stashed his microfilm in that book, figuring no one would ever take it out.; Archie tries to follow the teachings of a book on inner peace that Betty gave him, even in the face of a trying day.; Archie runs into a tree while jogging and begins to see things.; Archie's parents are going jogging.; The studio sends a painter over to paint Katy's portrait.; Super Duck tries a lion tamer's trick.; Archie doesn't believe the hype about a scary movie.; Mr. Lodge gives Archie some recognition for his work around the office, the mop and bucket for the Executive Washroom.; Dating advice.; Archie gets a lecture from his father on economizing.; It's dress up day at Riverdale High.; Everybody has a family crest, even Hot Dog.; Super Duck can't open a jar of pickles.; Super Duck has eye strain.; Archie gets bit by a turtle.; Archie tries to put his foot down.; Hiram knows the the car they hear can't be Archie because it is to quiet.; Archie asks Mr. Lodge what he thinks is he greatest mystery of all time.; Archie tries to cut in on somebody dancing with Veronica.