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Publisher: Archie
Title: World of Archie Double Digest
Page Count: 196
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Humor, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 5.99 USD; 6.99 CAD
Cover Date: February 2016
UPC: 76281646850305611
Country: United States
At the Winter Carnival, Betty and Veronica argue over who will be the Carnival Queen, Coach Kleats is driven crazy by the ineptitude of his athletes, and Archie's competitor in the slalom race, Ratfink Rosie, tries to sabotage him.; Mr. Weatherbee goes ice fishing on Logger's Pond, trying to catch the legendary Perilous Pike. At the same time, Dilton, Archie and Reggie arrive to test out Dilton's new high-speed ice boat. Dilton's test run leads to Mr. Weatherbee taking an unexpected ride on the boat, while Archie and Reggie wind up struggling with the Perilous Pike.; Betty and Veronica are trapped at the Lodge cabin during a blizzard and two burglars break in.; Jughead's mom begs Archie to help keep Jughead clean for his class picture.; Jughead is making a snow sculpture for a contest but Reggie keeps knocking it over.; After losing to Reggie in an ice skating race, Archie gets Dilton to sharpen his skates.; Veronica is late for a date, leaving Archie standing in the snow. The next time he makes sure that their meeting place is in front of the model agency.; Archie is glad to have the day off school but since Fred has the heat turned down he soon decides he'd rather be at school where it is warm.; A new kid at the school plays a prank on Veronica and has her and Betty believing he's an alien from outer space.; Jughead gets his tongue stuck to an ice cream container.; Betty and Veronica both have nightmares about Archie that are so horrible they can't look at his face in the morning.; After seeing home movies of Betty as a child, Veronica tells of the lengths her parents went through to video tape her first steps.; When Archie's friends are griping about how much they hate school, he shows us what they really think by conjuring up a devilish new student who tries to tempt them into defacing the school.; The school board forces Svenson to retire because of his age but when the new janitor can't fix the furnace they relent and allow him to return to his job.; In an effort to teach manners to the male students, Mr. Weatherbee orders them paired with a female student during lunch. That prompts Jughead's indignant resignation from Riverdale High.; Archie 1 and his friends try to build a house.; Archie shovels snow and wears himself out.; While entertaining hospitalized children, Veronica falls asleep on a gurney in clown makeup and is mistaken for a misplaced corpse.; In a class experiment, Professor Flutesnoot tells Veronica a joke that she repeats to Archie, who then tells it to Betty who then tells it to Jughead to prove how the joke will become garbled in the retelling.; Betty is irritated by Archie's constant daydreaming.; Archie bends down to read a message on the sidewalk, only to discover that it's part of another Reggie prank.; A word association exercise in class gets everybody mad at Reggie.; Archie tries to convince Mr. Weatherbee that winter in Riverdale is better than a trip to a sunny beach.; Jughead 1 has taken to wearing a bearskin and is mistaken for a bear by Archie 1 and Reggie 1.; Archie, Jughead, Betty, and Veronica build the world's largest snowman in the hopes of getting in the Guinness Book of Records.; Jughead wears a skate on his head.; Veronica warns Archie and Jughead that loud noises could set off an avalanche.; Jughead takes to many apples at the cafeteria.; Jughead buys a back scratcher.; Jughead has a sure-fire way to warm up on a frigid day.; Veronica and Betty shop for ski clothes for Archie.; Jughead and Archie's snow shoveling business is in hard times.; Jughead's mom gives him a job "spreading frosting".

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