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Publisher: Archie
Title: World of Archie Double Digest
Page Count: 164
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Humor, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.99 USD
Cover Date: March 2016
UPC: 76281646850305711
Country: United States
After the gang wins a trip to the 1964 World's Fair, the boys have to save Betty and Veronica when they're in an out-of-control cab with an insane driver.; Archie borrows the schools bandages so he and Jughead can make a mummy for the school's ancient history exhibit.; Someone is stealing test answers, copying them, and selling them. All the evidence points to Reggie, and only Archie refuses to believe that Reggie is guilty.; Archie is videoed at the movies crying during a chick flick and the video gets posted to the internet.; Archie wants to work out. Veronica exhausts him with a shopping trip to the mall.; Archie and Reggie make a bet on who can win a talent show, and Archie wins with a pratfall comedy act.; Archie fills in for the school switchboard operator and mixes up deliveries.; In the future human musicians are replaced by robot musicians and the Archies can't find a job.; Archie determines to be extra careful in school, but never notices the havoc his presence is inadvertently wreaking.; The rumor mill swirls as Miss Grundy mentions she's thinking about retiring.; Mr. Weatherbee has two dates on one night and asks Archie for advice.; Archie and Jughead track down the person responsible for spray painting "Yea Riverdale" all over town.; Mr. Weatherbee needs a break from teenagers so he books a weekend at a remote country lodge.; Reggie tries to sabotage Betty and Archie's attempt to transport two zoo animals across town so Archie won't earn the fee and be able to take Veronica to a concert.; Archie and Fred go to a sporting goods store to buy some baseball equipment for Archie.; Mr. Weatherbee shows new teacher Mr. Martin around the school and explains each student's interests.; Coach Clayton isn't treating everyone equally.; Miss Grundy tries to teach a class after separating Archie and Veronica.; Jughead 1 hatches a dinosaur egg.; The boys declare that the girls are unable to hunt with them and should stay home and cook and clean.; Jughead complains about the cafeteria food but loads up anyway.; Jughead wants pistachio ice cream.; Archie and Fred have trouble assembling a shelving unit.; Archie tries to eat his slice of pizza in peace but Jughead has other plans.; Jughead shows Archie how to eat for free at Pop Tate's.; The boys invent the wheel, but use it for something completely different.; Jughead makes his own pizza.; Jughead is 15 for 15 in free throws.

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