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Publisher: Archie
Title: World of Archie Double Digest
Page Count: 260
Genre: Children, Humor, Spy, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 6.99 USD
Cover Date: October 2016
UPC: 76281646850306311
Country: United States
Mr. Weatherbee despairs at either Archie or Reggie being elected student body president. As principal he must remain neutral, but finally concludes that scatterbrained Archie would be marginally better than conniving Reggie. With the election a tie, both boys clamor for Betty's vote, she having been out sick. Despite her resentment of how Archie has favored Veronica, Betty concludes that Reggie would be a bad choice. Mr. Weatherbee privately congratulates her, and advises Reggie to run for vice-president -- second best to Archie is better than nothing.; Mad Dr. Doom's "Walking Dazed" Formula Z has taken over the entire city of Riverdale. Now, the only thing standing between him and world domination are four teenagers: Archie, Jughead, Chuck and Reggie. And thanks to Jughead's discriminating tastebuds, the four also have a cure for the Mad Doctor's formula -- Ms. Beazly's chicken noodle soup!; Archie and friends want Halloween costumes.; Archie encounters a telepathic alien.; Betty gets behind the race car steering wheel one more time for Mr. Lodge at the Westville Cup Race. This time, she's up against Speedy Spencer and C.B. Quick. But will an accident on the raceway bring an end to Betty's driving days?; Archie and Reggie can't afford to take Betty and Veronica to the dance so they borrow money from Jughead.; On edge after seeing "Screech 3" with Archie -- and being scared by Jughead-- Veronica gets a chance to explore an old house that the Lodges were given as an inheritance. Once there, scared and alone, she calls the gang to join her.; One by one, the kids mysteriously disappear in the old house-- until only Veronica is left.; Chuck's newest comic creation is a Monster High School strip based on the students and faculty at Riverdale and some of Nancy's goth friends. But Nancy resents the strip's depiction of goth students and lets Chuck know.; Jughead tells Betty about the story he has written featuring two policemen in Riverdale, Sergeant Jones and Officer Andrews.; Archie needs a composition to enter a contest with the prize of being mayor of Riverdale for a day. While looking for his composition, he keeps running over a middle-aged man. When the prize is drawn, Archie is the winner, but his victim in the rundowns turns out to be the real mayor.; When Mr. Weatherbee asks the P.T.A. board to petition for an increase in teachers' salaries, Mr. Lodge says that the schools need to be run more like a business. Mr. Weatherbee challenges Mr. Lodge to run the school for a day. Mr. Lodge accepts, much to his regret.; Archie delivers a pizza to starlet Stella Starling and ends up dating her sister Bertha.; Archie's date with Hilary is full of one mishap after another.; Archie is selected to be a contestant on a TV quiz show.; Veronica tells Archie she mailed him an envelope and she wants it returned unopened. Archie's curiosity gets the better of him.; Archie accidentally asks both Betty and Veroncia to the Lenny Z concert.; To become a member of the Good Ol' Gang, Ambrose must enter a haunted house.; When Mr. Weatherbee is feeling under the weather Archie offers to bring him lunch.; Archie tries to find a quiet place to study for his exam.; Archie distracts the other team by talking to their cheerleaders.; Reggie has a crush on the new drama teacher.; Dilton doesn't make the football team but he finds something else to make a crowd of girls like him.; Betty and Veronica are cleaning house and are a mess. Archie comes by and ignores Veronica's sloppy appearance, but says Betty is a mess. Even after Betty cleans up, Archie is still oblivious to anyone but Veronica.; Archie does the news on a local public access tv station and messes up a segment on Mr. Lodge.; To be closer to Little Veronica, Little Archie joins the school band.; The cheerleaders practice so hard the inspire the football team to practice harder also, but when the football team still loses they think they let the cheerleaders down.; Without Archie in the race, Reggie has no motivation to win.; Archie reads a corny love poem to Veronica, who likes it and kisses him. Reggie decides that stunt would work for him, too, and buys a poem from Jughead. After bragging about how he was up all night writing the poem, Reggie reads it to Veronica, who is furious, since it's the same poem that Archie read to her before.; Archie asks Betty to iron his pants so he looks nice for a visiting celebrity.; Archie surprises Reggie from behind a one-way mirror.; Reggie doesn't want to watch Archie rake leaves so he will come back later.; Reggie hits on a girl one to many times.; Archie and the girls are eating lunch at a snack bar next to a soccer field. Reggie, dressed in his soccer uniform, kicks the ball around, and brags that he can do anything with his feet, so Archie holds up the bill and says "Let's see you FOOT this bill!"; Veronica is telling Archie all about the buffet.; The gang takes turns insulting Reggie.; Archie doesn't think his father can fix a plumbing problem.; Pop Tate is running a contest to guess the number of beans in a jar.; Archie gives the team a pep talk.; Coach has been working the pants of the football team.; Reggie won't take 'no' for an answer.; Archie joins the cheerleading squad.; Reggie comments on Betty's shirt, which has a picture of Archie on it, saying that she isn't the only one who gets satisfaction from Archie's picture. When Betty asks if he has a picture of Archie on a shirt too, Reggie says no - just on his football, and kicks a football with a picture of Archie on it.; Betty asks Gladys how her date with Reggie was. Glady says that Reggie took her in his arm, held her tight - and then told her how wonderful he was.

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