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Publisher: DC
Title: World's Finest Comics
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children, Humor, Science Fiction, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1960
Country: United States
The force of a volcanic eruption gives Superman amnesia. He finds himself in a forgotten Aztec city and becomes the king of the inhabitants. When Batman and Robin go in search of him, they find the criminal Floyd Frisby who tries to convince Superman that Batman and Robin are really criminals.; Tommy and Brent have to face the wrath of Saturnian jungle natives to bring a runaway Earthman criminal to justice.; The Clock King is successful in a series of crimes, besting Green Arrow and Speedy, until he traps them in his headquarters, where the archers escape his trap and capture The Clock King.; Ollie keeps the brake on while his two friends push his car uphill.; Young schoolgirl Bebe explains how an electric light works.