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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Madhouse
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody, Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1960
Country: United States
Mr. Weatherbee recounts how toothpaste-maker Hubert Ffnff had no use for his toothpaste factory until he bit into his carpet in anger and discovered his teeth.; Archie tells us what would happen if teenagers ran the United Nations, including changing the building into the shape of a musical note, updating the U.N. Girl Guide uniform, and creating new international agencies.; Retelling of some historical events.; Various people say things that make life miserable for others.; Archie characters answer the question "If you had a your choice, what kind of bird, animal, or pet would you become?"; Mother Goose rhymes are presented with different endings.; New bottle designs are presented for love birds, sports fans, dancers, etc.; Dilton presents five humorous limericks.; Mad House jumps on the pill trend with height pills.; Jughead paints a tree and beehive and is chased away from the painting by bees.; Advertisement for the new combination hamburger and ice cream pop.; A collection of conversations with twist endings.; Collection of humorous signs.; Fake advertisement for record of conversation to be played into the phone while you are not home.