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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Madhouse
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody, Sports
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1961
Country: United States
How life was without girls and how Sturdley Flemsch discovered them when castaway on a remote tropical island.; What would happen if a teen union was allowed to bargain on use of the family phone, allowances, the TV set, the family car, homework, emergencies, movies, government, chores, and prices.; A silly look at how girls would play baseball.; Nine cartoons with characters asking obvious questions.; What would happen if teenagers had a different credit card for each of their activities (including a card for comic books).; Specialty handshakes for players in different sports.; Humorous definitions for barter, baseball, bats, beaver, bell, and book.; In Transylvania, everyone is a monster, including the police.; Signs with pointing hands customized to fit the subject.; Three two-panel cartoons: new old car, 65 cent evening, and being shown the door.; Pajamas for men that fit their profession.; Letters seeking advice.; Six cartoons starting with "She was only a ____'s daugher--". Tuba player's, spaghetti-maker's, quiz M.C.'s, artist's, carousel-owner's, and baker's are the fathers this time.; Four types of unwanted teens.; Mad House products including a hope chest complete with a live boy, an alarm clock that turns itself off, a stupid electronic brain, a record of "Music to Bring Homea Failing Report Card By," and a king-size phone for loudmouths.; Parody of Hollywood gossip, featuring monsters. (Included is the new monster western "Goonsmoke."); Guess which one: is going on her first date; is the biggest dumbbell on the beach; is the coolest daddyo in town; was born 100 years too late.