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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Madhouse
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: February 1969
Country: United States
Porter the Reporter must spice up his sports broadcast or he will lose his sponsor.; Various humorous one-panel "Monster" type films.; Humorous books for teen-agers.; Humorous rhyming gag panels.; Desmond is the greatest Discotheque lightman.; A new rock group called "The Tooth Gap".; A guru is meditating.; Zippy and the Zappers are a rock group that plays their concerts from a car.; One lion wonders why the lion-tamer never does the head-in-the-mouth trick with him.; A reporter interviews the band Zippy and the Zappers.; A spoof on TV kitchen commercials.; The trouble with two-headed Martians.; Groovy Greta wants glasses.; A new sound for a rock band.; Fran the Fan meets a rock band.; Zippy and the Zappers get their first fan mail.; Parents wonder what that horrible sound is and where it's coming from.; Zippy has a slipped disc.; Lippy has to take a bath.; L'il Cool Fool loans a friend ten dollars.