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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Madhouse
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1960
Country: United States
Archibald Foomish, son of the famous five-sided wheel inventor Sir Hairy Foomish, discovers hair when his chemistry set burns the hair off of his body.; Instructional pamphlet on how to become a teen idol.; Examples of people and places which have achieved dubious distinctions, including Shelia Gabber, "Rocking Daddy" Ginch, and Alice Bownser.; Jughead explains the various genres of art.; Miss Grundy explains how famous historical figures were actually the beatniks of their day.; Various medals for teenagers are presented, including the Gold Juke Box Medallion, the Blind Date Medal, and the Banana Split Badge.; Literal translations of song title imagery are illustrated.; The cast illustrate literal adaptations of common baseball phrases.; Examples of stylized cutlery.; Illustrations of cliched similes with the subjects reversed, including a bat with people in its belfry, a frog with a rock and roll singer in its throat, and a cat that lets gossip out of the bag.; Pun terms to describe specific situations.; Jughead's carousel horse breaks a leg. Jughead paints a portrait with a roller. Veronica is followed by a construction worker. Archie gets a startling message. A movie poster has arrows in it.; Jughead paints a roaring lion, which comes to life and eats him.; Examples of television housings specifically designed around the characteristics of various Archie Comics characters.; A series of highway construction detours leave Archie stranded.