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Publisher: DC
Title: Batman
Page Count: 52
Genre: Detective-mystery, Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1944
Country: United States
In the year 3000, a man, who is the direct descendant of Bruce Wayne, and his son, run across a time capsule containing the exploits of Batman and Robin, and don those guises in order to fight and rally support against a warlord named Fura.; The Cavalier returns in disguise to acquire a new mob that he plans to use to rob the city blind, but the theft of a whale undoes his plans.; Two criminals enlist the aid of an Indian medicine man as a cover to allow them to rob the tribal temple of its riches.; Alfred criticizes Bruce and Dick for not eating healthy meals, because of the crime-fighting activities, so he heads to the market to stock up on "good" food and runs headlong into a case he thinks that only he can solve.