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Publisher: DC
Title: Batman
Page Count: 44
Genre: Humor, Superhero, Teen
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1954
Country: United States
When the reformed Harvey Dent tries to prevent a robbery, he is caught in an explosion and reverts to Two-Face. He embarks on a new crime spree, and Batman and Robin deduce that Two-Face is going after people who commonly show two faces to the world. At a ceremony making Bruce Wayne honorary chief of a local tribe, Batman and Robin are trapped by Two-Face and strapped to a giant coin. Two-Face flips the coin over a bed of spikes, and though the gimmick is rigged to land face down, the dynamic duo manages to create a magnetic field and flip the coin so that they land safely.; When Dick is late to school one morning, he is asked by his teacher why....and he tells them that he was out catching a crook as Robin the Boy Wonder.....then goes outside and proves it!; Mystified by the crimes of the Phantom Bandit, who can break into even the most secure vault, Vivki Vale and the Caped Crusaders believe they know just who the bandit really is.