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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Captain America
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 1.25 USD; 1.50 CAD; 0.85 GBP
Cover Date: October 1992
Country: United States
As Cap and John Jameson are being treated for their lycanthropy, they are attacked by the Cap doppelganger sent by the Magus. Once Cap and John have returned to human form, John quits as his pilot and Cap hires Moonhunter in his stead. D-Man is attacked by his evil duplicate.; Diamondback, still a captive of the Red Skull, is reunited with her villainous brother and the two catch up. Cutthroat decides to kill Crossbones and secure his position as the Skull's lackey but Crossbones turns the tables and kills Cutthroat instead.; Falcon meets Cap's new pilot and agrees to help his former partner track down his missing friends.