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Publisher: Fawcett
Title: Captain Marvel Adventures
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Non-fiction, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1941
Country: United States
Sivana uses his science to create an evil beast-ruler using the life forces drawn from a thousand different beasts.; When the man for whom the new Chandler Building is named is killed in front of Billy's eyes, Billy chases after the culprit, who has used a dagger belonging to an oriental murder cult called the Goptas to commit the deed.; Muscles McGinnis sends his stooges down to Radio Station WHIZ to take over the station, tossing Billy and Mr. Morris out on their ear. Captain Marvel decides that Muscles "isn't the type to run the station", so he forces his way in and takes on the criminals.; Billy is sent down to the local movie theatre to watch the new Captain Marvel movie, and Sivana and his men decide to join him. Sivana captures Billy and places a special helmet over his head so that he can't speak his magic word. But Billy escapes that trap and it's all that Captain Marvel can do to stop Sivana from using a paralyzing gas to conquer New York from his dirigible.