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Publisher: DC
Title: Comic Cavalcade
Page Count: 76
Genre: Aviation, Fantasy, Humor, Superhero, Teen
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.15 USD
Cover Date: October 1947
Country: United States
The murder of a neighboring ranch owner of Hard Candy's (Etta's father) leads to the arrest of Judy MacGregor, who has a well-known hatred of all men. So Wonder Woman takes her back to 1777 to see if she can discover the basis for this intense hatred.; Johnny interviews a rocket scientist that has invented a spaceship that can travel to the Moon, He tells Johnny that he has dreamed that an alien forces him to fly to the Moon, and when the scientist and ship do disappear, the world raises money to effect a rescue. Johnny discovers, however, that the kidnapping is a hoax, but then something strange happens!; The Turtle returns to confound Flash, this time by combining fast and slow words as clues to the crimes he plans to commit. To top things off, the Scarlet Speedster is saved from death by a member of the JJSA!; Doiby's signal flare lures Green Lantern into a trap. After deciphering the clues, the Emerald Crusader discovers to his horror that Solomon Grundy has returned!