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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Crazy Magazine
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.50 USD
Cover Date: January 1976
Country: United States
Parody of the film "Jaws".; Investigative report on the good and bad methods of dieting.; Characteristics and physical traits common to people born under the astrology sign of Scorpio.; Continuing to chart the progress of the United Herds Of America.; Recasting network newscasts into various new formats, such as game shows, spy thrillers or sports shows.; How to become a modern undertaker.; Examples of famous politicians involved in games of chance.; Famous nursery rhymes adjusted for modern events and sensibilities.; Profiling the adolescent female rebel in the teen and post-teenage years.; Charlton Heston is shot by a passing rowboat illustration in the midst of delivering an anecdote about the American Revolution.; Charlton Heston makes a joke about the Liberty Bell, only to have it fall on him.; Series of one-panel cartoons.; Charlton Heston tries to relate a bicentennial anecdote, but is assaulted by people objecting to the ethnic humor involved.; Parody of Book Club advertisements.; Satirical record labels that you can cut out and paste over actual 45rpm records.