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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Crazy Magazine
Page Count: 52
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Humor, Satire-parody, Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.75 USD
Cover Date: February 1981
UPC: 0714860290402
Country: United States
Various super heroes parodies, satirizing characters such as Captain Marvel, the Hulk, Doctor Strange and Sgt. Fury.; Ironic interpretations of popular phrases.; A man trains his dog to fetch him objects when he blows a whistle, but then the dog responds to a policeman's whistle.; Humiliated by climbing a gym rope, a teenager imagines she's actually a jungle heroine.; A man orders a boxing correspondence course; his textbook contains a spring-loaded boxing glove which punches him.; A man imagines he has a beautiful wife.; Two men have a gun duel; one shoots into the air and hits a giant bird which lands on his rival.; A man on a deserted island sends out a note in a bottle asking if anyone else is out there. A note returns reading: "nope!"