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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Crazy Magazine
Page Count: 52
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.75 USD
Cover Date: May 1981
UPC: 0714860290404
Country: United States
A vampiric refrigerator transforms laundry machines into its obedient slaves to conquer the world. Howard vanquishes the fridge by driving into it with a steak on the hood of his car - ie, "driving a stake."; An artist brings his drawing to the art director, who sends him to his boss, the boss sends the artist to his own boss, the other boss sends the artist to the chairman of the board, the chairman sends the artist to God in Heaven and even then God doesn't make a decision.; Burglars use a torch to cut into a safe but the torch burns up the money.; An artist drawing stick men in a run-down apartment fantasizes being a fantastic artist living in a mansion.; Two robbers use dynamite to blow up a safe; pieces of the safe crush and kill both thieves.; A man mowing his lawn dreams he's really driving a chariot of horses.; Two burglars try to lift a safe from a house using a winch but instead they pull the ceiling down.